Mmm, this tea is delicious! What is it? Well, it’s semi oxidized like an oolong, but missing other processes oolongs usually has, but has similar processes to a black and yellow. Ehhh. I’d lean this one taste wise closer to an oolong.
The tea is smooth and very sweet for an unflavored tea. There is a fruityness (apple pear) to it with a hint of tart. Lots of rich cacao flavor, nutty, roasty and a bit of smoke. It has a richness that normally black tea could have and sweeter than any other tea I’ve had. This tea resteeps very well and is not dry or bitter. I love the flavors in this tea, as well as the mystery on how the processing of this tea gives such a neat combination of flavors..
Full review on my blog, The Oolong Owl
By the way, this is for the Gold grade Hwang Cha – first flush sejak. Hankook Tea also sells this tea in Amber grade (second flush) and in tea bag form.