694 Tasting Notes
Another hit from Zhi Tea. So I was on the fence about this one. Coconut and me are iffy, but the Assam put me over the top. In my head it sounded like it should be so delicious. This time it was! The coconut is a toasted coconut and it brings a very toasty sweetness to the tea. The base Assam is smooth and actually offers a bit of a coffee/chocolate flavor. I love it when the samples that I order surprise me. Now I will just have to wait until next years sale to get more:)
This was a very generous sample from Beorhthraefn. Thank you!
I enjoyed this before bed last night while attempting to read. Sensing sleep-ness sinking in fast I slurped this down and made it about 2 pages in my book. Oh well, better to fall asleep quickly and loose some reading time than to fight insomnia.
This was a tastey cup. Light and fruity. I couldn’t really pick out the distinct fruit flavors individually, but it all blended very well and was the perfect light cup before bed.
I am drinking down the last of this tonight. I couldn’t decide on what I wanted to drink, I had time to gong fu and this was sitting in the pile of one more cup/session. I can’t believe I haven’t written about this one yet. Tonight this is magic. Super juicy and sweet. There is very little bitterness. I remember this not working for me every single time I made it, but tonight it is hitting the spot. I think this maybe my first time to brew in gwiawan for this one which was probably my mistake before.
My first BF order arrived last night. Zhi Tea. I added a sample of this tea to the order per a recommendation from fission___mailed. I love trying different EG’s and this was a fun spin on one. The smell of this is really good. It smells sweet and slightly floral. This is good! The base is there, yet smooth. I get slight hints of berg with a very creamy sweetness to it. At the end of the sip I get a tad flash of lavender that rounds it all out. Ooooh this is calming! This is slightly different from Zen Tea’s EGC, but yet similar. I like them both. Yum Yum Yum!
After coming back from entire summer of traveling and not drinking much tea I decided I wouldn’t purchase anymore tea until my stash was half of what it was currently sitting at. Yep that lasted all of 6 weeks. I blame this tea and QTT. I decided to treat myself for my birthday with a tin of this. The tin arrived at the beginning of November and I could not for the life of me figure out how to get the lid off. I took a knife to it, I took my keys to it. I even went out to my work bench at work and grabbed pliers and a screw driver. It turns out I was trying to pry the wrong portion of the lid off. Ooops.
This tea is sooo yummy. The smell always scares me until I take the first sip. The mixture of savory and sweat is perfect. You smell the tea thinking you are going to get this really smokey leathery tea, and then you taste it and the sweetness of it makes all those notes you were sniffing pop in the taste of the tea. I debated getting a 3 pack when I purchased this tin, due to the amount of tea I am glad that I didn’t but this really makes me long for another cup of the Red Tailed Hawk. If anyone out there ever wants to split A&D tins I am your gal. I love all their teas, but 4.4 ouces is always a lot.
This was a sample in my last order. Thank you Lauren
Well…. this isn’t really my jam. It is a little like bathroom cleaner flavor to me. The grassy/lemony smell just doesn’t really do it for me. I am always thankful for samples like this b/c they usually are teas I wouldn’t pick for myself. Sometimes I fall in love, other times it is a miss and I am glad to get to try without having to spend a lot of money.
I receieved this in QueenOfTarts stash sale. Thank you!
The flavor is great in this, but I want MORE. Like in your face more. It is like drinking slightly flavored tea. See its all about that base, about that base, no treble. … I want more from the base. I want it to be deep and cocoa-y and then have this awesome banana flavor sitting on top. So this one gets a meh from me. The flavor is perfect just very weak.
Consistently a great travel cup. I am drinking this with milk today and it is awesome! I am not sure what I love about this blend but it rocks. Strong, bold cup that is easy to modify with more/less water. I think I will wait until my sachets of 30th Anniversary are depleted before ordering more of this. I have started just taking H&S sachets when I travel. Less stress, easier to pack, and still great cups of tea.