15257 Tasting Notes

drank Cantaloupe and Cream by Butiki Teas
15257 tasting notes

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So this is my least favourite of the Samples that I received from Epi Tea and I think it’s largely because I don’t think I like lavender :) That being said the tea has a very pleasant aroma and a smooth taste to it…just not what I really enjoy.

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drank Masala Chai by Bridgehead
15257 tasting notes

Woke up this morning wanting a tea with some body and “oomph” chose the Masala Chai from bridgehead as it’s usually a winter tea for me but felt right this morning. Again, it didn’t fail to disappoint.

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drank Masala Chai by Bridgehead
15257 tasting notes

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I didn’t find the orange in this artificial tasting or like orange cought syrup :) I really liked the hint of orange that came through on the tail end of the rooibos.

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drank Autumn Blend by The Tea Emporium
15257 tasting notes

It’s not fall but I wanted to give this one a try again – trying to get through some of the tea in my cupboard before my 3!!!! Orders arrive in the next few weeks :)

Thankfully the vanilla isn’t too over powering and goes nicely with the caramel

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drank Sunburst Raspberry by The Tea Emporium
15257 tasting notes

Had this one on a whim at the tea bar today. Really like the flavor of this one even without sweetener. Definitely would have this again. Refreshing taste!

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I keep meaning to try this tea cold but I guess that will have to come another day! I’m not a great fan of this tea. It’s not a terrible tea but there’s something about this blend that just doesn’t quite tickle my fancy. I’m sure it has a home with someone out there who will appreciate it, but I won’t be picking it up again unless I manage to get around to brewing it cold and love it heh

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Let me preface by saying I’m not a fan of English breakfast teas. I find them fairly “boring” and there’s usually something else I’d rather drink, though I don’t hate English breakfast.

This English breakfast is, as my other half put it, a better English breakfast tea. :) I enjoyed the smoothness of the tea and the subtle favors that came out as I drank it. In essence, if I had to drink an English breakfast tea, this one would be first on my list.


I concur…

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Loooooove the smell coming off of this! It reminds me of cider or some childhood memory from winter. This is for sure one going on my list of winter teas As the second sample I’m trying from Epi Tea – I have to say this is my favorite so far. I don’t add milk/sugar to my tea and the flavor isn’t too intense.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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