15257 Tasting Notes

drank Pumpkin Pie Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15257 tasting notes

mmm yeah that’s right, I’m having this two days in a row! Now that I’ve found that sweet spot with milk, french vanilla matcha and this matcha i could drink this all day. It’s still not tastier than some of my other combinations but in a pinch this would be another of me go too matcha smoothies.

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drank Decaf Earl Grey by Harney & Sons
15257 tasting notes

Sip down on this one as the last of it is going to a colleague at work looking for a decaf earl grey. It’s a good thing too because I am quickly coming to realize that if it is your typical earl grey bergamot tasting tea…..it is NOT for me. Appreciate getting to try this (thanks to the lovely nicole) as prior to this I had had much in the way of earl grey. It’s nice to cross that off my list of teas.

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drank Gooseberry Black Tea by Simpson & Vail
15257 tasting notes

OK folks. this tea? this tea needs to be drunk as a cold brew. ‘nuff said. I had a chance to drink the cold brew of this that’s been in my fridge for a bit and it is delicious! It’s everything that i wanted the hot brew to be that it isn’t when it’s hot. I’m not bumping the rating on this one because I feel like a good tea should be drinkable both hot and cold, but the rest of my sample from Indigobloom is now earmarked for cold brew only. Cold, it’s at least a 75-80 :)

Iced 8 min or more

sweet!! will have to try it that way next :)
Thx for the tip!

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drank Strawberry Orchid by Caraway Tea Company
15257 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! Thank you Kittena for sharing this one with me. I’m quite pleased with this one overall! I’m also planning on re-stepping the leaves as a cold brew to see how that works out. The strawberry and other fruits work very nicely together in this blend to give a tea that is that sweet and yet tangy strawberry taste. I also like that the tea base is still present and doesn’t entirely disappear in the fruity goodness.

Thanks for sharing Kittenna!

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drank Mango Lassi by Butiki Teas
15257 tasting notes

Had some of this in the afternoon in between all of the bustle of getting my chinese visa, work related things and other such adventures. I’m finding myself more and more stressed out every day over my impending trip, so I’m trying to do my best to take time out in the afternoon to sit and have a cup of something to try and relax. This afternoon it was mango lassi! In ym continuing quest to bring my tea collection down a bit, this is one of the teas i’ve set aside to try and have a bit more of since it’s been in my cupboard longer than some others. Today i was once again reminded of why i picked this up in the first place. This is a really nice mango tea! Probably my current favourite, though I continue to look for mango teas that are more about the mango!

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drank Almond Sugar Cookie by Simpson & Vail
15257 tasting notes

Finally getting around to trying this one from our order with S&V. I have to say this is also a pretty damn good dessert tea. I’m not overly fond of almond baked goods but i do love me some sugar cookies. The scent of this tea reminds me completly of cookies…sweet and delicious.

Drinking this one is a delicious sweet cookie tea. It tastes like almonds but not, as Kittenna put it, Marzipan. Which is good because i really don’t like marzipan. I think this one is higher up on my list than the cinnamon chocolate brownie but I still prefer the uh other baked good tea whose name i can’t recall from S&V that we picked up. I find this tea sweet, without sweetner, but not so over the top that you want to find something less sweet to eat with it. Another good dessert tea from S&V encouraging me to order a bunch more :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’ve had 2 mugs of this now. Both samples from different people & although good, I find it has an old/stale taste. :(


hmmm i don’t get that, but maybe that’s the almond mixing with the base


That’s what I was thinking this morning. It is a really great tea & really fills the house with the aroma of baking cookies.


I like this and don’t really get the stale taste but I’ve been keeping mine in a tin.

Hesper June

Oh, yes! This tea is tasty, but best of all, I like standing with a mug full of it somewhere and the people around me commenting on how something smells so good, like fresh baked cookies.
I like teas that surround me with a cone of delicious-ness:)


haha cone of deliciousness. i like that :)

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whee! This one is a little odd tasting today which i suspect is the result of not having had time to properly scrub out my travel mugs. Pulled the lid off and it’s back to my standard taste for this tea. Another one I’ve enjoyed trying and is almost down to the end of it’s life with me. I haven’t yet decided on whether I’ll restock this one, not because i don’t enjoy it but because I think the two that i REALLY want to keep in stock from Stacy are the premium tawainese assam and her new tea that isn’t up yet. Those plus the few verdant and teavivre teas and I should have my cupboard staples for morning blacks covered. then it’s just YAY try new blacks! until i find others to add to the list. I do love the smoothness of this tea along with the strength of it.

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drank Pumpkin Pie Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15257 tasting notes

Oh man…so i initially wasn’t totally crazy about this matcha, but I appear to have found my sweet spot. A 2:1 ratio of pumpkin pie to french vanilla matcha and I am laughing all the way to crazy town. Seriously! The vanilla makes the pumpkin just a little sweeter and adds a creaminess that when combined with the spices is A-MAY-ZING! Love it! Bumping the rating a little even though it’s the combo with french vanilla to make it supercalafragilistically wonderful!


I found this to be just super spicy & not really pumpkiny. Hmmm wonder what I can find for vanilla to kick it up.


you might be able to try adding cheesecake matcha if you have that… hmmmm


I do! I’ll give that a try.


if you try it let me know how it goes :) I haven’t tried mixing those two yet, though i do often mix the cheesecake with other flavours

Kasumi no Chajin

there is the french vanilla matcha too. Just a thought.


Kasumi – yeah that’s what i used :) I think tattooed_tea was looking for a substitute because she doesn’t have that in her cupboard at the moment.


My eldest daughter drinks this one by the bucket full. I gave her two larges for Christmas and she has almost finished them off!

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drank Citrus Dream by Butiki Teas
15257 tasting notes

Bumping the rating on this one since it’s growing on me :) It’s in my sipdown pile for the week and I may just need to pick up a bit more once it’s all gone. Even cold the flavours are nicely balanced. Not a hueg fan of chamomile blends, but since it’s nice to have at least one in the house, this will be my go too since it’s the best one i’ve found so far!


Don’t you just love when the tea grows on you? It’s like a friendship that blossoms over time…


agreed :) There are a few that have done that with me.

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drank Autumn Blend by The Tea Emporium
15257 tasting notes

Ugh. I can’t drink this anymore. It’s just a bitter astringent cup of blech. thank goodness for sipdowns! yay! be gone foul tea!


:) yeah… what’s funny is kittenna found this one not too bad… me, i’m like omg get it away!


I’ve never enjoyed their seasonal blends!


LOL yeah, I liked the flavours I got in here! Gotta try it again :D

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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