15257 Tasting Notes

drank Florence by Harney & Sons
15257 tasting notes

mmmm having this this afternoon. I have a ton of things to do tonight when i get home – pack, charge camera, back up cameras, computer etc…, figure out my carry on…all that jazz! In addition, i need to make a decision on which ONE? TWO? of my teas are coming with me to china in the event that pollution causes me to have to stay indoors more than i’d like to.

Still enjoying this, and will look at picking up some more whenever i get down to New York, mostly because I don’t necessarily want 4oz.


Exciting that you’re going on a trip!


China here we come! business trip but i’m really hoping i can get some time to myself. i hope. i think. though the pollution is really bad :(


I’m sorry. Hope it won’t get too intolerable! I’ve never been to any Asian countries before.


Good luck with the pollution and have as much fun as you can!!!

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drank Oolong Creme by Sloane Tea Company
15257 tasting notes

guys…i WILLINGLY chose to drink this today. In fact, i actually purchased MORE! of a GREEN OOLONG. Yeah, that’s right. I can get behind this tea. It makes me smile. It’s creamy and delicious and smells divine!


Applause So glad that you’re starting to enjoy the green oolongs more!!


haha i think it might just be this one…and the green sparrow from butiki. You’re just hoping i’ll grow to love them and then buy lots to share :P


Now I’m curious about this one! Is it pretty much a milk oolong? Have you had other milk oolongs?


Uh the description says something about milk oolong from what I remember…lol. I just now it smells AMAZING…and so I bought more. 15% off which isn’t much but it’s something.


It’s a milky oolong, but they fully admit to adding the flavour and use a different process than whatever they normally do, or so I’m told. I looooove this one to!!
Kittenna, you can have some of mine, but it comes in a sachet (I ripped mine open)


Haha. I am curious mostly because Sil likes it! I don’t frankly care if there’s flavouring in my milk oolongs as long as I enjoy them, lol. I don’t get flavouring-yuckies from the two milk oolongs that are my current faves (DT and Bon The Place).


Ah. It’s different somehow. More on the cream, maybe? and silkier.
Not your typical MO but I can’t put my finger on why!


Lol glad me liking it causes curiosity. If you have it and can tell me about others I might like…I’ll try them. This one smells divine…though if you ask Ian he says it smells like a stick of butter lol

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15257 tasting notes

grrrr steepster. Imma drop kick you.


Haha! It has been off a lot lately. :)


Honestly, it’s better than that time a year or so ago when it took approximately 500 years for every page to load, no matter what. :P But yes, it has defintiely been frustrating lately.


Holy crap, the Dashboard just froze again. Jeez.


Eh, maybe it didn’t freeze actually. Definitely wonky stuff going on.


lol i was jstu frustrated since i’d tried to post a note 7 times. So i gave up haha

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drank Green Papaya Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15257 tasting notes

mmmm this is pretty tasty this morning. I wish i weren’t thoroughly exausted. One more day – thankfully my other half is cleaning the house and doing laundry today. YAY! I like the sweet/sour of this matcha. I’m not sure that I’d pick it up for myself but it was on my list to try. Not because i don’t enjoy it, but simply because there are others i love more and i’m trying to keep my matcha flavours manageable. :) Maybe i’ll bring this into the rotation in the summer :)

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drank The Witching Hour by 52teas
15257 tasting notes

tried this again tonight to try and see if it can be passed on to IB…but apparently i’m too tired to really review it properly. it tasted less ick from the first time i had it so maybe it just needed time to cure even more than i’d left it. still not entirely convinced….


don’t torture yourself!! there’s time. Maybe make a mini cuppa next time?


no torture. just a really long week


I hope you get some vacation time when you get back from China! lady needs a break lol

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drank White Christmas by 52teas
15257 tasting notes

I’m bagged…tea bagged? lol yeah.. so tired. Massage tonight in rep for china, followed by dinner and board games with the other half as a “de stress and spend time together before you disappear for 2 weeks” kind of thing.

I had this in the afternoon…it reminds me of another tea that i can’t place at this precise moment. tasty but reminiscent of something..

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drank Ginger Pear Black Tea by Simpson & Vail
15257 tasting notes


This one’s a little more ginger-y than my first cup so that’s nice. I like seeing how the actual presence of ginger impacts the tea. I really like how the two flavours come together in this tea. Still on the look out for a delicious pear (found grapefruit, now i’m on to pear!). This is probably my favourite so far.


Try the Caramelized Pear from Art of Tea if you haven’t – that’s my favorite :)


haha Kittenna received some of that in a swap from Azzrian so she’s saving some for me to try. :) I think we’re also going to try the green pear from S&V at some point too

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, the art of tea’s caramelized pear was tasty, as I recall. It’s been awhile since I had it though.


i was stacy’s caramelized pear damnit! haha

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

Hello old friend. It’s been a while, you see i’ve been busy. But now, i’m trying to figure out which of my friends are coming on a trip with me and i needed to remind myself what it’s like to wrap my tastebuds up in you. (deep breath) it has been too long. thank you for this moment this morning. I needed the calm before the storm.

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This matcha + belgian chocolate matcha = a less artificial tasting even chocolatier wonderful matcha smoothie :) it’s a good morning even if it is T MINUE 2!!!! BLAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!1


omg I’ve been trying to figure that out. This one + almond really didn’t do any good :/


this one + french vanilla works too… cheesecake might as well.


mostly i’m just trying to finish drinking it. not my fav and likely not a repurchase :(


I’ll try it with Cheesecake. I haven’t got any vanilla. Hmmm. Maybe peppermint.

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drank Lime Jello Salad Green Tea by 52teas
15257 tasting notes

mmmmm Figured i’d try this tonight because i can! actually i’m panicking a bit and just need something to keep my mind focused so new teas it is. I actually kind like this one. it really does remind me of lime jello salad, though i REALLY want to brew this cold now with a bit of sweetener.


Cold steeping this is the best EVAR. I don’t add sweetener, though.


oooooh alright. even more incentive to try! Also..i only add sweetener of some sort after i’ve tried it with nothing…

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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