15257 Tasting Notes


Farewell my dear green caramel! SIPDOWN! This was one of the first teas i ordered when i was exposed to so many different teas through steepster. I have to say over time it hasn’t lost it’s happy place with me. I still find it quite enjoyable, though there are many other teas out there that i prefer. So far though, in terms of green caramel teas – The Persimmon Tree is my go to.


Awee what a bittersweet sipdown. This is a good tea!


yeah but it makes me happy that i’m finally getting around to getting through some of the first teas i ordered…in less than a year haha

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drank Elf Help by DAVIDsTEA
15257 tasting notes

Thank you raritea

I may have over steeped this one so i’m holding off on rating it until i get a chance to sit with it some more. I feel like this is a brew i should really enjoy, though it’s kind of all over the place at the moment and as a result it’s slightly strange tasting.

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SIPDOWN! because the rest is going over to Kittenna who loves this cup so much more than i. ick. There is just something about this brew that says no wai! so off it goes!


I’m not a fan either. Bleh


Yay! I saw that you deleted the “if you don’t like it” comment on the spreadsheet. It works well in a travel mug, so I’m excited! I’ve chewing through the baggie you gave me pretty quickly.

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drank Pear Cream Supreme by Distinctly Tea
15257 tasting notes


I figure since i only had about a cup’s worth, i might as well finish this up in my quest to sipdown my cupboard…. especially with the 5? incoming orders…6?7?8? eesh…

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drank Organic Bai Mudan by Infussion
15257 tasting notes


Thanks Raritea for this sample :) Another straight tea I really wanted to try since I’ve had a few flavoured blends with bai mudan. This is a really nice tea, though i much prefer it as a base tea in a blend. This isn’t too vegetal, which is really nice. it’s also a delicate tea that is quite refreshing.

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Thanks again to raritea for this sample. I figured since I was on a green tea start this morning, i might as well try a few of them back to back so that I could do a comparison to an extent. While this one isn’t a bad straight green, I miss the sweetness that the previous one had. This is more vegetal and yet not. it’s also more astringent and there’s an after taste that I’m not a fan of. I appreciate the sample share Raritea!

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drank Gyokuro Imperial by Teavana
15257 tasting notes


Thanks to Raritea for this sample. Now i’m not huge fan of straight greens but this one is for sure one that I could keep around for when i’m in the mood for a straight green. There’s a sweetness behind the vegetal notes that I find appealing. Thank you Raritea for this tea that i otherwise never would have tried :)

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drank Pear Cream Supreme by Distinctly Tea
15257 tasting notes

Seems weird that I have no tasting notes from this since my sample is nearly gone after making this big cup. Regardless this is likely the same tea as the pear cream i picked up from steeped and infused, which was something we suspected when we picked it up. So overall not a bad tea, but not a great one either. Still on the look out for a great pear tea!


Glad you said that it’s the same, as I was all SAMPLE but if I’ve had it before (essentially), there’s no need, obviously. Fingers crossed for the Della Terra version, and when we get around to it, the S&V green. And Stacy’s.

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
15257 tasting notes

mmmmm the more i drink this, the more I feel like i may just end up with some of this if i ever make it to New York. it’s growing on me a bit as i drink it, though it’s nowhere near as delicious as queen catherine to me. I really enjoy the hazelnut/chocolate combo here for whatever reason. Took some of this to drink with me while i was at the spa today. Yes, i brought my own tea to the spa. lol they looked at me like i was nuts but it was great!


Bahaha, nice. I have to look, but I think of three H&S blacks (Boston/Paris/Florence) I tried way back, this one was my fave? I feel like I need to know this… now….


queen catherine makes me happy. as does this one. :)


Apparently I preferred Boston, haha.

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drank Yunnan White Jasmine by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

soooo you know how sometimes you think you should branch out and try things that you might not like just in case your taste buds have changed?

shudder yeaaaah… mine haven’t. LOL Picked this up as a sample with my last verdant order and sadly i couldn’t even manage to drink half the cup. Floral much? Jasmine… check! In to the spreadsheet it goes.

Not rating this only because i know that it’s ME not the tea in this particular instance.


I have learned, I do NOT like jasmine! lol


yeah i’m with you on that one. gah


i’d take a steaming mug full of coconut oolong before jasmine anything i think…


I’d drink lapsang souchong before another jasmine tea! lol


Last time I made jasmine tea it infected my timolino for a week. The smell would not go away.


Hahaha you guys. I actually like the Yunnan White Jasmine on occasion (I have plenty of it though, Sil :P), but definitely understand how it could be offputting. I think, for me, it requires less leaf to be maximally tasty, as too much makes it wayyyyy too floral!


oh i like lapsang..well some haha


I think lapsang taste like a cup of smoked cheese. lol


Hmmm, I was kinda wandering about the floral level of this one. I got a sample from Dinosura. I will take your advice Kittenna about the leaf amount. I don’t normally like jasmine, but Verdant seems to find ones that I do like.


Well, the tea base here is lovely, which is probably a big part of it. I’ve had samples from more than one batch, though, and IIRC one was definitely more floral than the other. Also, keep to a short infusion time.


I love this one!
Definitely keep the steepings short on this one though. It can get overwhelmingly flowery if steeped too long.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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