drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
424 tasting notes

This tea goes well with Percoset.

I have pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or something in my back, off to the side. I had surgery in February (not back related) and saved my last Percoset in case I had a bad post-op day, but never did. Today I am really glad I have it! So instead of working, I am in my big overstuffed chair on a heating pad enjoying this tea. Working from home has its benefits.

So, the tea. This was a free sample from Nina’s. Thank you! I am really enjoying it. I am not the best at identifying flavors, and I would have thought this was stone fruit flavored, but I am reading here that it is red berries. Ok, I can see that. I think the caramel hints threw me off. It’s lovely though, and I got a great resteep out of the leaves, and I am rarely satisfied with the results of resteeping black teas. So that is a bonus. Definitely a great tea.


Goes well with Percocet?
Perhaps it is the caffeine…
Sometimes caffeine will enhance aspirin or other pain meds…
I have no idea the mechanism of action, but although it sounds crazy~
It is not! It is real


Maybe it was the drugs talking :)


I hope you feel better!!! So glad you’re set up in a comfy chair with a heating pad and that you’ve got tea :)

carol who

Maybe that should be a new thread “What goes well with pain medications?”


Hope you feel better soon!

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Goes well with Percocet?
Perhaps it is the caffeine…
Sometimes caffeine will enhance aspirin or other pain meds…
I have no idea the mechanism of action, but although it sounds crazy~
It is not! It is real


Maybe it was the drugs talking :)


I hope you feel better!!! So glad you’re set up in a comfy chair with a heating pad and that you’ve got tea :)

carol who

Maybe that should be a new thread “What goes well with pain medications?”


Hope you feel better soon!

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Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is amused by my obsession with tea, and company owner who works from home. Life is good.

Likes/dislikes: I love black teas, especially strong/malty ones. I am ok with flavored teas if the base is strong. I like some whites. I really don’t like any tea that tastes “green” – if I wanted to drink something that tastes like green beans, I would cook some green beans. I am not big on green teas or genmaichas. I am learning to like puerhs.

If we are trading, I have a STRONG aversion to coconut, banana and licorice. I love citrus, vanilla and spice. Not a fan of florals.

Check out my blog!


Kentucky, drowning in tea.

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