drank Six Summits by Teavana
33 tasting notes

A solid but otherwise mostly unremarkable oolong after the 2nd or 3rd steeping. The leaves do have a lot of patience, however, so it lasts a long time. The first few infusions have some aspects of note, however.

Infusion 1 – whereas the dry leaves have that strong berry aroma, once brewed it changes to more of semi-sweet greens, like black cherry leaves, while the liquor’s aroma is similar but milder. The taste is of a light oolong with notes of Cap’n Crunch berries. Don’t add lemon to this one boys and girls, as it brightens it up but puts some astringency in the spotlight.

Infusion 2 – the black cherry leaf aromas have been replaced by fresher barely-sweet notes, a bit like flower greens. And while the liquor smells a bit like a distant draft coming from a hot and humid floral greenhouse, the flavor is pleasant like stepping inside said greenhouse. The berries are gone now. This is a berry-less greenhouse ;-) Nice easy sip, no adulteration needed, and would make a good base for lighter or mellow iced teas.

Once you get past 3 steepings, it has incredible patience and keeps on producing cup after cup, but nothing remarkable to note. I got to infusion 7 at around 10 minutes before I got the first hints of bitterness or astringency. Looking at the photos, #7 still looks like the third steeping, and until I line them up side-by-side next time I believe the flavor profile was pretty consistent after #3 as well.

Flavors: Berries, Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers, Plant Stems, Plants

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Musician, pilot, philanthropist, tea lover. Nothing beats a spiced oolong at 10,000 feet. Except maybe a cuppa dian hong with my feet next to the fireplace. Or some fresh bai hao yin zhen before bedtime. My rating system is pretty much like this:

1-20 : ‘Blech’ cuppa. Didn’t even finish the one I brewed, rest went in trash. That bad, at least for me.

21-40: ‘Meh’ cuppa. Finished it but threw away the rest of the tea or used it for other purposes like baking, gifts for in-laws, or serve to unwanted houseguests. Kinda like Twinnings or Lipton bag tea.

41-60: ‘Standard’ cuppa. Won’t buy any more, but will certainly brew all that I have left. Probably will use it to blend with other teas or as a base, or large quantities of iced tea for parties and such.

61-80: Good cuppa. Now we’re talking. Worth buying more if at the right price, love blending some of these too. Sometimes a few oddballs will find their way into this score just because I liked the fruity flavor or having it as an iced tea. Also my starting score range for new kinds of tea until I develop a good feel for my preferences or learn to better distinguish quality characteristics.

81-99: Awesome cuppa. You’ll probably find this in my pantry pretty regularly, unless it has been discontinued or I’m waiting for my next trip to Asia or Europe to pick up some more. Holds up well to multiple infusions (unless black/herbal), and will typically drink it unadulterated/straight. I’ll gladly pay premium prices and chances are I’ll be ordering and tasting a bunch of other teas this producer/company offers.

100: Cuppa bliss, oh where have you been all my life???! I will burn frequent flier miles and journey to the ends of the earth while paying nearly any price to make sure I have this stocked at all times. Over time as I discover some magical new teas, a few may fall off this list. Try to keep it max 1 per type of tea.

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