177 Tasting Notes
I still can’t get over the charming packaging for the promotional samples (see link for photos). The citron oil is light and natural,I really couldn’t tell it was added as opposed to an inherent flavor. It seems hard to conservatively use Bergamot without being undetectable.
It reminds me of some Bi Lo Chuns, with a savory tone from the white tea. This is light and perfect for re-hydrating and relaxing when sensitive to stimulae, especially after the superpowered rush of much matcha!
Full review and photos:
The smell is true orange peel, not fake! I steeped the bag for 25 minutes in 180 water, and the doubled steeping time worked! A real blood orange flavor emerged, slightly sweet and pungent, like the blood orange soda my blood sugar can’t handle!
I’m very disappointed this was discontinued. This is the first rooibos I could enjoy unenhanced, and the first truly blood orange flavored tea I’ve had.
Full Review here:
I am of the opinion that good chai needs peppercorns but few seem to agree. Epi Tea’s blend included both peppercorns and red pepper in addition to vanilla, with no intrusion of cloves. I picked this first from the samples, obviously. It certainly sounded like a great chai, vanilla, cinnamon, and cardamom present, peppercorns hiding in the back but when I tasted it, it was all vanilla flavoring. I got some cinnamon and an astringent Assam taste, but no peppercorns, pepper, or ginger. Re-examining the tea bag, I couldn’t find a cardamom pod and I could barely smell the peppercorns. I re-steeped in two ounces of warm water for an hour for a mild cinnamon and vanilla sip. Over all the advertised spices weren’t there, although the bag I received seemed full. Maybe a longer steep? I only had one bag to experiment.
Full Review:
I’m a fan of vanilla on all facets of its existence: the smell, the oddness of the pod, the picturesque orchid on which it grows. The history and mystique of the vanilla bean is as rich as its aroma; one of my favorite books is a history of the vanilla trade. And of course the taste! I used to make coconut milk ice cream with Madagascan vanilla beans every month for my family.
Despite its extremely difficult growing conditions and scarcity on a global scale, Madagascan vanilla is so soothing and ever present it is “plain vanilla.” It is the safe and sure option in western desserts. Challenged to pick a starting point in the dizzying array of Red Leaf Flavors, I naturally picked vanilla. Aren’t I a brave little toad? And I only spent twenty minutes picking between French or Madagascar!
This the real deal. The real vanilla bean! Every latte and crème cookie hints at the reality of this sleek and pure vanilla, matched by the clean grassiness of the matcha. I got the regular strength of flavoring since I love matcha as much as vanilla. The two most distinct flavors of my strange childhood of mixed heritage in powdered bliss! It’s just as sweet as ice cream too. Most people think matcha is quite bitter, this version is great for those who need to limit their sugar, like me.
I got into the habit of sprinkling matcha on my post-ride ice cream but I can’t enjoy ice cream in the winter. Red Leaf’s Madagascan Vanilla Matcha (available at http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/madagascar-vanilla-matcha.html) is my cold weather vanilla fix. Unfortunately hot ice cream is sickening syrupy and overwhelming. This matcha, however, it as comforting and delightful as summer ice cream. I find it interesting that Red Leaf says it’s therapeutic for anxiety, as I’ve long held the same belief, but never seen it listed as anti-anxiety in herbals. Can fault this matcha at all? Nope. This matcha is a wonderful reminder of the sweet and simple things in life that make it worth the effort.
Today is exceptionally damp and chilly, a real seashore sort of morning. Perfect for finally breaking open this bold Assam! Even at three and a half minutes this is quite strong and enough to shake the sleep from me. The initial flavor is old amber, woody with carob and a sharp port call of a finish. It has a refreshing aroma of peat moss and old books. I don’t need yancha every day, so I’ll see how many misty mornings I can make this treasure last.
This tea is absoulutely remarkable-it tastes exactly like vomit smells. I had to clean after a green boy scout who had too many s’mores and soda today, so I’m being quite literal, not snarky and judgmental.
Hot brewed once, I thought I over-steeped a cheap tea that need colder water and time. Hot brew twice and cold brewed with half the box, the stench and taste was the same-regurgitated vanilla and strange fruity mush. Perhaps the flavorings spoiled or this was a bad batch but I would advise another choice for cheap working tea.